A successful Vancouver-based juice truck was looking to meet growing customer demand by adding a home delivery service to their business. However, to do so, they needed a way to set limits on the amount of juice they could deliver each day. While they were already successfully selling on Shopify they struggled with inventory control as they were unable to manage inventory by date. With fresh juice being a perishable product, they were looking for a solution that could control deliveries by date. This ensured not only that their customers were receiving fresh juice but also ensuring that orders stayed within their daily production limits.

After contacting one of our booking experts, we showed the merchant how a cart-based calendar was the perfect way to support their requirements. This solution involved adding a calendar to their Shopify cart page that limited the number of deliveries that the juice truck could make each day. It allowed them to set up their available dates and times for deliveries each day as well as to set up blackouts on days they were unavailable.
This solution ensured that they were able to successfully take online bookings and only sell enough juice that they could produce in a given time period. The juice company now has a following of loyal and happy customers who receive their juice delivery weekly.
Interested in learning more about how to manage daily deliveries on your Shopify store? Click on the Chat/Support button now and one of our booking experts will be happy to help!